live and love foundation

Donate for a Cause

Fund Kidney Dialysis Treatment

Mohammed Hussain

Dear Friends, Family, and Kind-hearted Strangers,

We are reaching out to you today with an urgent appeal for help on behalf of Mohammed Hussain, a loving father, and husband who is fighting a courageous battle against kidney failure. Mohammed was diagnosed with end-stage kidney disease just a few months ago. This diagnosis came as a shock to him and his family, as he has always been a hardworking and dedicated provider. The disease has taken a heavy toll on his health, leaving him with no choice but to undergo regular kidney dialysis to survive.

Mohammed’s life depends on receiving regular dialysis, but this life-sustaining treatment comes at a substantial cost. The financial burden of kidney dialysis is overwhelming for Mohammed and his family. With each dialysis session costing a significant amount, coupled with the costs of medications and medical consultations, the family is struggling to make ends meet.

We are humbly requesting your support in raising funds to cover the costs of Mohammed’s kidney dialysis treatment. Your generous contributions will directly impact his life, giving him a chance at a brighter and healthier future.

No contribution is too small. Your support, whether big or small, will make a difference in Mohammed’s life.

The diagnosis and medical reports are attached herewith for reference.

Please share this crowdfunding campaign with your friends, family, and on social media. The more people who know about it, the greater our chances of success.

  • Goal: 100000.00 ₹
  • Raised: 40000.00 ₹

Help Jyothi Regain Her Mobility: Fund Her Knee Surgery

Jyothi M K

Dear Friends, Family, and Compassionate Individuals

We are reaching out to you today on behalf of Mrs Jyothi MK, a resilient 71-year-old woman who is in dire need of a knee surgery to regain her mobility and independence. Jyothi has dedicated her life to her family, and now she needs our support to live her life comfortably and pain-free.

Jyothi has been suffering from severe knee pain for several years, making simple tasks like walking or standing unbearable. Her condition has deteriorated to the point where she can barely leave her home. The recommended knee surgery will alleviate Jyothi’s pain and allow her to move freely again. It’s her best chance at regaining her independence and living a comfortable life in her golden years.

Unfortunately, the cost of the surgery is a substantial burden for Jyothi and her family. The estimated cost of the knee surgery is INR 7 Lacs, a significant amount that they are struggling to afford. We are humbly asking for your support in raising funds for Jyothi’s knee surgery. Your generous contributions will make a world of difference in her life.

Share: Please share this crowd-funding campaign with your friends, family, and on social media. The more people who know about it, the greater our chances of reaching our goal.

  • Goal: 100000.00 ₹
  • Raised: 60000.00 ₹